The coolEXstep® tool system (patent pending) is based on a combination of the coolEX® and Xstep® tool systems. This combination enables multi-expansion (2 or more honing stages in one tool) and is especially suitable for plateau honing:
The coolEXstep® tool system facilitates conventional, mechanically controlled honing in a machining centre with a tension/compression rod available on the machine or with a tool-changeable U-axis (e.g., KomTronic® from KOMET). The machining is done with regular honing kinematics (expansion during machining), thus generating the classic cross hatch in the specified honing angle. The activation of the individual honing operations (pre-honing and finish honing) is done without interrupting the honing kinematics, thus permitting very short cycle times
Enormous advantages result during honing operation on the machining centre from the arrangement of both system parts (tool and workpiece) in fixed clamping:
Process control is integrated by the step control in a closed control loop and measurement of the part is done downstream outside of the machine main times.
Prerequisites for the successful use of the technology:
Click here to find a selection of successful completed projects on various machining centres from different manufacturers.